CMES Abroad

CMES offers a wide range of support and advice for students wishing to spend a summer, semester, or a year in the Middle East or North Africa. Come by our center to learn what opportunities are available and what you might expect during an experience in the MENA region.

CMES runs three summer study abroad programs in the Middle East. One program is based in Amman, Jordan for Arabic language acquisition. Students there learn either MSA or Jordanian colloquiual Arabic. CMES has one summer program in Turkey: a program in Istanbul that focuses on Turkish language acquisition. CMES offers a third program (upon rare occassion) in Cyprus called Turkish in the Mediterranean which includes Turkish language study and a course on the Politics of Cyprus.

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students help fund summer study abroad. Undergraduate students may also use FLAS awards to study abroad during the academic year.

For more information about international opportunities through CMES, please contact CMES at or 520-621-5450.

CMES Study Abroad Scholarship - not available for summer 2024


  • Currently enrolled full-time University of Arizona sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students
  • 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Participant in the 2022 Arizona in Jordan program or the Arizona in Turkey program
  • Those applying for FLAS are encouraged to apply for this scholarship (but you cannot receive both).

Award specifics:

  • Amount: $5000 
  • To be used during summer 2022
  • 1 award available

Application packet should include:

  1. CMES Study Abroad funding application cover sheet - please include your name, the scholarships you have applied for to fund the AZiJ or AZiT programs, and if you have received any of the funding. 
  2. Resume/CV
  3. Statement of purpose (maximum 500 words) explaining how one of these two language programs will further your career/studies goals.
  4. Please email one pdf of all parts to 

Application deadline: March 25, 2022 at 5PM Tucson Time
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 845 N. Park Ave., Marshall Bldg., Room 470, Tucson, AZ 85721-0158

Contact: CMES Associate Director Julie Ellison-Speight, (520) 621-8079,